Biblical counseling is the personal discipleship ministry of God’s people to others under the oversight of God’s church, dependent upon the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word through the work of the Holy Spirit. Biblical counseling seeks to reorient disordered desires, affections, and behaviors toward a God-designed anthropology in an effort to restore true worship of God and right fellowship with others. This is accomplished by speaking the truth in love and applying Scripture to the need of the moment by comforting the suffering and calling sinners to repentance thus working to make them mature as they abide in Jesus Christ.

Truth in Love – ACBC Podcast

Four convictions underlie our biblical counseling ministry:

  1. We present the Lord Jesus Christ as the crucified, risen, and reigning Savior who, through his Word and his Spirit, can help us handle our personal and relational problems. Jesus alone provides the forgiving mercy (through his death and resurrection), the wisdom (in his Word), and the power (through his Spirit) we need for daily living.
  2. We use the Bible as our main tool to diagnose, explain, and solve our problems. As God’s Word, the Bible provides true, thorough, authoritative, and sufficient guidance for every life situation we face, and it is richly superior to the human wisdom and competing counsel of secular psychologies.
  3. We reflect the love, concern, and compassion of Jesus our Shepherd and Counselor. Biblical counseling is a caring process marked by Christlike love.
  4. We seek thorough and lasting godly change by addressing both the inward and outward issues of our problems. Biblical counseling is not shallow, superficial, or simplistic. Scripture alone uncovers and solves our inward, heart (beliefs and motives) struggles and our outward, behavioral struggles.

Also, read more about our Methodology.