
“Biblical counseling is the personal discipleship ministry of God’s people to others under the oversight of God’s church, dependent upon the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word through the work of the Holy Spirit. Biblical counseling seeks to reorient disordered desires, affections, and behaviors toward a God-designed anthropology in an effort to restore true worship of God and right fellowship with others. This is accomplished by speaking the truth in love and applying Scripture to the need of the moment by comforting the suffering and calling sinners to repentance thus working to make them mature as they abide in Jesus Christ.” Truth in Love – ACBC Podcast


Biblical counseling is a ministry of God’s word to provide a biblical framework of problems through one-on-one discipleship. We are committed to using Scripture as the primary source for wisdom and application.


Our core problem is rooted in rebellion to God through the fall. From this we experiance sin and suffering arising from our choices, other people’s choices, and living in a fallen world.


The solution to our problem is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. The goal of humanity is to live in a Christlike way that brings glory to God by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Embodied souls

Humans exist in a dichotomist union of body and soul. What effects the body effects the soul and what effects the soul effects the body. We seek thorough and lasting godly change by addressing both the inward and outward issues of our problems.