The Manual by Al Stewart seeks to recover a healthy, biblical masculinity. Rather than following the cultural tides of labeling masculinity as toxic, Stewart asserts that men need to exhibit a healthy masculinity and to man up towards difficult situations. The Manual is a great book to understand biblical masculinity and how to man up in a complex and confusing society.

The Gospel for Disordered Lives: An Introduction to Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling
The Gospel for Disordered Lives is an introductory guide to the theory and practice of Christ-centered biblical counseling. It is a comprehensive guide for understanding the theology behind biblical counseling. It is faithful to Scripture and a trustworthy depiction of Biblical Counseling. The Gospel for Disordered Lives will undoubtedly be formative in your life and increase your faith and hope in God in a fallen and broken world. If it is not on your bookshelf now, put one on order today.

God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say about Gender Identity?
God and the Transgender Debate by Andrew T. Walker is a timely and helpful book on a difficult subject. Many Christians struggle with knowing how to address this topic in a way that honors God’s love for his image bearers […]

Addressing the Passive Husband
Passive husbands are a common frustration in marriages which lead to bitterness and hopelessness. God has called men to actively lead the family, but what does this look like and how do you go from passive to active?

Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners: Loving Others as God Loves Us
Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners uses real life examples of how to love one another through counseling and relating to others. Foremost, we must find our identity in Christ. Through suffering and sin struggles, we may struggle to see ourselves as saints, but this is an already-but-not-yet identity.

How to Live in Light of the Gospel
The Gospel message of what Christ has done for us applies to the entire Christian life; the Gospel is not just about being saved (salvation). It is about right living and growing in our Christ-likeness.

Identity in Christ
All mankind was created in the image of God. We were made to be God’s representation in the world to fill the earth and subdue it. Sin and death have tainted everything and everyone. This is evident in our false identities that we take on.

Restore: Changing How We Live and Love, Study Guide with Leader’s Notes – Robert K. Cheong
Robert K. Cheong helps Christians discover how God is at work in our lives within their own unique story. God will use this study to draw you closer to him and to others. Participants learn how rethink, reframe their story in order to move forward in their Christian walk.

What Does it Mean to be a Man?
Manhood is defined by the Creator, God. God gave us the perfect example to follow in Christ. In Christ, we learn to be faithful, bold, compassionate, strong, meek, loving, prayerful, patient, kind, wise, generous, and truthful.

Found in Him: The Joy of the Incarnation and Our Union with Christ Review
Christ’s mysterious and glorious union with believers is the central truth of soteriology