The Gospel for Disordered Lives: An Introduction to Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling

The Gospel for Disordered Lives is an introductory guide to the theory and practice of Christ-centered biblical counseling. It is a comprehensive guide for understanding the theology behind biblical counseling. It is faithful to Scripture and a trustworthy depiction of Biblical Counseling. The Gospel for Disordered Lives will undoubtedly be formative in your life and increase your faith and hope in God in a fallen and broken world. If it is not on your bookshelf now, put one on order today.

When Home Hurts by Greg A Wilson and Jeremy Pierre

When Home Hurts: A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church

When Home Hurts by Greg Wilson and Jeremy Pierre is a pastoral guide to wisely identify and minster to domestic abuse. Wilson and Pierre wisely use Scripture to provide perspective to view our situations through and rightly apply Biblical wisdom. In defining abuse, they refer to it as a “me over you” and a use of authority or personal capacity to diminish another person’s capacity.

On Guard Review- Deepak Reju

On Guard explores a topic many choose to ignore: the reality of child abuse and protecting children in a fallen world. Christians must realize that not everyone within a church is a Christian, and the depravity of man in this fallen world is capable of unspeakable evil. Deepak Reju offers practical help and application in this needed area.