The bible has much to say about our identity. In Genesis 1:27 we learn that all mankind was created in the image of God. We were made to be God’s representation in the world to fill the earth and subdue it. To be made in the image of God has deep meaning. First, we are like God in many ways. God is a god of speaking, he speaks, and creation obeys. God is love. Love is relational and we were first made to live in relationship with God and then in relationship with other image bearers. There are many other attributes of God that man reflect as image bearers.

God created men and women without sin. Because of the sin of the Fall (Genesis 3), mankind is no longer capable of fully reflecting God’s glory as image bearers. Sin and death have tainted everything and everyone. This is evident in our false identities that we take on. We take on identities of created things and effects of the Fall. We identify with our jobs, positions, hobbies, characteristics, feelings, or others: I am a teacher; I am a father, I am a Cowboys fan, I am introverted; I am depressed. We can also find identity in our sins: I am an angry person; I am a liar; I am useless. Some identities are true identities, most are false. Even true identities can become disordered if they become greater than our God given identity.

Those who put their hope and faith in Christ have been justified and are united to Christ. Christians are progressively transformed into the image of Christ (Sanctification). Because of this union with Christ, we take on a new, greater identity. We find our identity in Christ and what he has done for us. Our identity in Christ take precedence over all other identities. In Christ, we put off false identities and put on our true identity.

What identities have you taken on? How are you struggling to find your identity in Christ?