Covenant Theology

Covenant Theology: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives

Covenant Theology, a collaboration of Reformed Theological Seminary, is the most complete work to date on the theme of covenant that is found throughout Scripture. If you have heard the basics of covenant theology but want a deeper study how covenant is woven throughout Scripture, this book is for you. The theology throughout the book is reformed and thoroughly Biblical. The authors convincingly argue that Reformed theology has at its core covenant theology, and covenant theology rightly combines systematic and biblical theology.

Identity in Christ

All mankind was created in the image of God. We were made to be God’s representation in the world to fill the earth and subdue it. Sin and death have tainted everything and everyone. This is evident in our false identities that we take on.

The Attributes of God Volume 1 – A. W Tozer

A. W. Tozer explores ten attributes of God: Infinite, Immense, Good, Just, Merciful, Gracious, Omnipresent, Immanent, Holy, Perfect. Tozer mines the depths of these ten attributes of God and calls his readers into a deeper love of God and deeper understanding of who God is. The church has fallen into the error of over emphasizing certain attributes of God, such as love and mercy, to the detriment of others such as just and holy. When only a portion of God is taught, the true God of the Bible is not taught.

ESV Expository Commentary: Romans–Galatians Volume 10

If you are like me and already own an ESV study bible, then you are already familiar with the quality and thoroughness that is put into expanded form of the ESV Translation of the bible. It is theologically sound and provides for solid exposition of the Scriptures. Volume 10 is written in a broadly Reformed view towards interpretation and application of Romans, 1–2 Corinthians, and Galatians.

Story of Scripture

Scripture is one continuous story of God working his plan of redemption in the world through Jesus Christ. This story is often summarized in four acts: Creation, Fall Redemption, Consummation.