Christ’s mysterious and glorious union with believers is the central truth of soteriology, as John Murray rightly contends. Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, speaking of the importance of our union with Christ, eloquently said
“We will never know how found, loved, welcomed, and reconciled we are until we see how he has forever taken our nature to himself and has bound us to himself in enduring oneness” (p. 18).
Found in Him, Page 18
The book is divided into two parts. Chapters 1-6 are based on the incarnation. Jesus took on the nature of a man, entered into a sinful existence with us in order to save us, yet without sin in him. Chapters 7-9 focuses on Christs union with believers individually and corporately as the church, his bride. Christ union with us flows from Christ’s union in the Trinity and is an expression of God’s love and unity. We see this unity in creation, marriage, the incarnation, our rebirth, the church, and in our ultimate transformation. The union with Christ is a necessary truth for helping people understand the relevance of God’s salvation agenda to the needs of their soul.
Fitzpatrick’s book on the union with Christ is a beautiful summation of this mysterious and profound doctrine. It is a topic that is immeasurably deep and this book will grow every readers affection and understanding of the mysterious union with Christ. Everything that we are or will be flows from our union with Christ. We do not have to earn our salvation through any effort on our own, but it has freely been given to me. Though this is a free gift, it certainly is the most costly of gifts for it cost God his only son. Christ did this out of the abundance of his love and there is nothing that I could have done to earn this.
He took human flesh to himself and lived perfectly in your place. He has done everything that needed to be done to bring you in from your exile, isolation, and death. He did this by condescending to take human flesh to himself so that he might be the perfect representative you needed; he is your brother, your husband. He was exiled and isolated for you. He died in your place, paying the price demanded by his holy Father. He has done everything necessary to be united to you. He has made you a beautiful bride and has already gone into heaven to prepare a beautiful home for you. Right now he is waiting for you, watching over you, providing for and protecting you. Like a good husband, he is praying for you on your journey.
Found in Him, Page 204
Fitzpatrick’s book affected me in ways that will only be known in the years to come. Her perspective on the topic reveals how much it means to her and it is clear throughout the book of her love for the Lord. I found myself looking at all areas of my life in light of my union with Christ and it has truly been a fruitful period of my Christian life. Everything we do, and who we are is based in this new identity. Though Christ has done much for me in the incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension; it’s not about me. It is about his glory and that is something that I need to continually remind myself. I love him best when I reflect his glory.
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Found in Him: The Joy of the Incarnation and Our Union with Christ By Elyse M. Fitzpatrick |