Come and See, Dr. Jonathan Pennington invites his readers into a journey with him through the Scriptures. The goal is to There is an overarching analogy of a road trip with three close but diverse friends.
Legal Issues in Biblical Counseling: Direction and Help for Churches
Legal Issues in Biblical Counseling aims to encourage the church to wisely engage in ministry while complying with civil authorities in a God honoring way. The book is edited by T. Dale Johnson Jr. and Edward Wilde with contributions from biblical counselors and lawyers. It covers important topics that are similar to what is taught in a business law class but specific to Biblical Counseling.
5 Things to Pray for your Spouse: Prayers that Change and Strengthen your Marriage
Your marriage and your spouse should be prayed for everyday. Marriage is not easy and takes work but yields a lifetime of growth and joy. This book is perfect for all marriages to guide and shape our prayers and affections for our spouses.